Erik Sjøholm

Songs & Stories About The Road Of Self-Discovery

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Erik Sjøholm - Even The Gods



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Erik Sjøholm - Compromise & No Diggity (Mashup!)


The Erik Sjøholm Starter Pack


Private Concert, Custom Made Song, Songwriting/Artist Mentoring

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"The things we don't speak about"

A storytelling Concert

About The Show

#StorytellingShow #LiveMusic

“Since the day I was born, I was always running, because if I didn’t, I would drown… there was always this shadow behind me… ”

Imagine a world covered in a thick white blanket of snow and ice, a winter wonderland home to the happiest people on the planet. That’s where Erik Sjøholm (FIN) was born. On the same day, his uncle Glenn took his own life. “He was my mother’s brother, her best friend. What does it mean to be born into the ashes of such grief?”

In this storytelling concert, Sjøholm digs through the icy layers of his winter wonderland, deep into his own mythology. Fragment by fragment, telling raw personal stories and singing original songs with a sound similar to artists like Damien Rice, Glen Hansard and Jeff Buckley, he uncovers a trail that leads him to the top of a sleeping volcano. And there where the rocks are still hot and smoke is still rising from the ground, he discovers something that he was blind to his entire life.



Erik Sjøholm (FIN)

Rising from the ashes just like a phoenix, Erik is an independent singer-songwriter & storyteller with an intense volcanic stage presence and charisma, who believes that the world can be a better place if we spend our time doing something that we love.

His serene and deep singing voice and skillfully played Spanish acoustic guitar has been compared to the music of Damien Rice, Jeff Buckley, and Paul Simon. He writes in English, Swedish, and Spanish, performing at music venues and storytelling festivals throughout Europe, as well as giving private concerts, writing custom songs on demand, offering songwriting mentoring and storytelling workshops.

Erik invites listeners to join him on a journey of self-discovery through his music and stories, both online and offline. He also encourages people to become part of his online community, Erik Sjøholm's Street Team, where they can support each other in pursuing their dreams and embrace a healthy and inspiring narrative of themselves and their future.

Copyright 2023 - Erik Sjøholm