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  • Private Livestreams with Nathan Davis Jr. personally
  • A simple trick that allows you to overcome Facebook's new algorithm - so you can greatly improve your social media reach...
  • The fastest way to grow your fanbase so you don't have to rely on the same friends, fans, and family coming to your shows - just use our "fan funnel system"
  • An exact copy of our step-by-step blueprint for you to start booking shows in new cities successfully
  • ​Tons more but running out of room here :-)

Erik Sjøholm


A Voice, a Guitar and a Billion Stories

Rising from the ashes just like a phoenix, Erik Sjøholm (FIN) is a nordic singer-songwriter with a volcanic energy, set out to bring out of the best of us with his music. With music similar to the likes of Damien Rice, Jeff Buckley and Fink, he calls for your passion, your courage and your greatest selves to come forth, so that we all together can live our lives to our fullest potential and contribute to creating a world full of purpose and joy.

Join the private community of likeminded music fans so we can connect more personally!


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